Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

A Lighthouse in Brittanny "Phare de la Vierge" by Paula Paredes

This photo represents the "Phare de l'île Vierge" in Brittany. I love this place because it's very beautiful and is were my mother was born. It's a lovely place but the weather and the water are very cold so, we can swim on the sea only if it's not raining! Build from 1897 to 1902, with a height of 82.5 m, is the tallest lighthouse in Europe and the tallest lighthouse in the world stone. It sweeps across nor them Finistère to 52 miles away. The interior is lined with 12,500 tiles from factories opaline Saint-Goblain. There are 397 steps in total: five granite steps outside the lighthouse, 360 steps suspended stone, all unique and tailor-made to climb to the top of the tower cylindrical and finally, 32 iron steps to reach the lantern.

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