Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

A nice surprise by Ricardo Sanchez

It was in a school in Argentina which was called “lycée Jean Mermoz”.I was 9.It was a very big school with 3 football courts and 2 basket courts,there were about 1500 students there.


Every teacher there  was nice but one of them was particulary sympathetic.It was the music teacher.He was called Miguel.I remember that in his class we had fun every day,we could play any instrument most of the time when we did not have any song or percussion to study, and if we did we played instruments as well to accompany music.He was always smiling and being nice.


I remember one day I was playing a percussion instrument when I didn’t have to because it wasn’t my turn yet.So he gave me a strange look as if he was  saying ”Stop” and I said I was sorry and stoped thinking he would punish me(because it was a school after all),but then he smiled and said “That’s a nice rhythm you were doing there!Keep going!I’ll give you 20 for it.” ! 


I was completely stunned,I didn’t expect that reaction at all.

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