Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

A special teacher ! By Valeria Dmitrichenko

Five years ago I came back to Russia and entered in Russian lyceum of the high school economics. Despite my problems with the Russian language, I was successful.

The biggest mark in my life and my relationships was left by my Russian teacher Tatiana Arsen'evna.

Respect and love to this teacher was appearing not because I had a good mark or good understanding of the subject, as for many of all us. It was appearing thanks for hard work. Due to the fact that I so often confused stress in words, had a some problems with my pronunciation and did grammatical mistakes, Tatiana Arsen'evna constantly gave me “D” I was very worried about it, cried. Teacher each time calling to her and again put “D”. I could not tolerate and went with my problem to the director. And only then understood what a great help gave me my teacher. She made me to work too hard. Throughout the whole year I had to do homework is several times larger than my classmates, to work with additional benefits. As a result of my efforts have led to certain results! Instead of “C” a year I managed to get “B”. I was in seventh heaven.

After my complaint the director I was very embarrassed  in front of Tatiana Arsen'evna. We talked and it turned out that this is just an amazing woman. We had a long conversation about everything and when saying goodbye, even embraced. At this point, my hair tangled in her earrings. I think it was a sign that the differences between us did not exist anymore.

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