Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

A strange teacher by Tina Matrossova

A very strange teacher indeed ...
At the begining of the 5th form we didn't have a teacher of mathematics because the teacher that we were supposed to havehad uninspectedely moved back to France. So in the beginning of october a new teacher came, Mr. Velikanov. It was a 70 year old man, very strange. He didn't know special mathematic words and he was always walking along the black board back and forth, saying one word in a minute. It was so boring to listen to him that we chated all over the lesson.He didn't pay attention to this, he seemed blind and deff..But than he started to collect our parents-teachers book and wrote telling-offs even to the pupils that didn't speak at all. Once, a boy of the class asked him if he could go and wash his hand. Mr. Velikanov became furious (I still don't know why) and moved a desk to the door so that nobody could get out of the class. He yelled. Then he took the copy-book of a pupil near him and hit the table with it. That was our last lesson with him, but it's the only one that I remember so well.

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