Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

A teacher I will never forget .By Aloïs Despinois 3B

I have good memories about a teacher when I was a little boy in school

I was then  eight years old, I lived in Germany in the year 2005.

This teacher was Mr Bernard in CE2 class, he was a good teacher for me,

he had glasses and wore a tie. He was very funny and gave us candies and chocolate.

I remember when I had bad school results and my teacher was worried

about me.

I liked when he taught us history and geography lessons. I studied the

world map and the prehistory. Mr Bernard brought us to the library

to read books and told us fantastic stories.

Mr Bernard helped me a lot to do my homework in French and

Mathematics, corrected me when I made mistakes.

I think I will never forget this teacher because he was very special to me.

Very often I think I would like to return to his class.I will never forget him.


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