Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Auris ski resort in HAUTE SAVOIE by Elise Tchetverikov

The ski resort where I went for my Christmas holidays is named Auris en Oisans and is located in the French Haute-Savoie region. There, you can ski, snowboard, or sled. There are draw-buttocks for easy ski slopes,  and chair lifts for more difficult ski slopes. In conclusion, the ski resort is composed of 15 skilift, 45 kilometers of ski slopes and 20 ski slopes.

If we get bored with  skiing at Auris en Oisans, you can always use the connection with Alpes d’Huez, a far bigger ski resort. There, you can find the longest slope of Europe called « Glacier de Sarenne » (16 kilometers)

In summer, you can do big walks, archery, tennis, golf , climbing, or you can go swimming in the swimming pool ! During the night, you can watch shows, which are prepared by the resort.



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