Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Childhood dreams ... by Charlotte Peigne 3B



I remember Mrs. Fernandez because she marked me a lot, she stole my love ...


Mr. Dubois was my teacher in CE2, I remember that I loved him very much because he was so nice. I always had good grades with him. I decided that when I grew older, I would marry him!  But I was not alone, all my girlfriends loved him too and we were  always doing our best to find out who was his favourite in the class. 


But the trouble began the day a new teacher, Ms. Fernandez, arrived in another class. My girlfriends and myself have immediately noticed  that he liked her! I must say she was very nice and funny too ... but for now we hated her because Mr. Dubois spent a lot of time with her and paid no attention to us. We were very sad. And one day, as we feared, Mr. Dubois has announced that they would be getting married ...

Soon after, they married and we have always hated  Mrs. Fernandez  for stealing Mr. Dubois!


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