Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Erica my Italian teacher by Frederico Robba

When I was ten years old, I used to go to the Italian school, which was located near Universitat.
At the Italian school I usually did  research with the help of internet for all the teachers.
I liked some of them, but I didn’t like others.

For example I had a terrible Mathematics and Science teacher, she was evil, her name is Erica.

She’s thin, small and young.
She has red hair.
She seemed nice, but everybody disliked her.
She was always shouting and she wanted everything perfect.
Once, she got angry at me and she made me write an essay of 5 pages.
The essay was on the skin and she made me do it many times.
She said that some parts were missing and she wanted more details.
After 3 times she finally accepted it.
She thought she was the best.
I really didn’t like her and I’m happy I changed school and teachers.
However I think she helped me grow up and be more responsible.
Now I put more effort in my homework.

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