Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

I remember ... by Marie-Hélène Lemoine 3B

I remember…

I was in France. I have left the Lycee Francais de Moscou and I was living in Lyon, in a new school but I still remember my old friends of Moscow. I miss them and the teachers too. Particularly one them, I remembered a teacher that I had when I was thirteen years old. He was my biology teacher.

I still remember him for numerous reasons. First, Mr.Brettnacher was a very interesting teacher, all his lessons were very clear because I always understand what he said, even it was a very hard subject. Before having him as a teacher, I wasn’t a good student in biology. I had good marks, of course. But also when I had average marks, I know that I have made stupid mistakes because I knew that we had already learned that. He was a very funny teacher because I always laughed of his jokes. Always … He was a tall and thin man, he have had black eyes and dark hair. His skin was dark. He always took originals examples to explain what he was talking about. I remember one of this:

“The LSD causes damages and hallucinations. When people took the LSD, they see the world in bright colors. We can take examples: The Beatles have written many songs with strange names. The Yellow Submarine, Lucy in the sky with Diamonds...”

Of course, everybody had laugh.

Why I still remember him? This question has a simple answer… He was the best teacher that I ever had. I’d like to have this teacher in biology again. But, unfortunately, I am in a new school and it would be incredible to have him as a teacher…

It was during my English lesson, this teacher was boring. The supervisor of my school opened the door and said the words that I never imagined to listen:

“You have a new teacher of biology, Mr.Brettnacher”.

Impossible. I was so happy. The next day, my first lesson was biology. I came to him and he momently remembered me. I had brought him a disc of the Beatles: The Yellow Submarine.

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