Inna is here ... by Thays Sokolov 3B
Inna is here” shouted my mum from her bedroom ...
When I heard that, even though I already knew she was here, I smiled. Inna is my piano teacher, and since the first time I met her, the piano became my best friend. As I was walking in the corridor I remember how it started.
The first day of my piano lesson I was late. I had stayed too much time outside and had forgotten about it. As I entered the living room, she was sitting near the instrument and drinking some coffee. She looked small, had dark and long hair, but what I saw most of all was her big smile giving the impression that nothing on earth would ever destroy it. I sat next to her and the first thing she told me was: “The piano has a soul - you have to share your emotions with it”. I was very surprised that a teacher would think just like me. The first lessons I thought she was a teacher that needed me to play without mistakes and fast, but with time I understood that she was aiming for me to become calm, concentrated and that she wanted me to let all my emotions get out. Sometimes I could see her smile because I would play something nicely, and that made my happiness grow more and more every lesson. So in six months I could play really well.
It’s true that we became very close and spend most of the time talking about our lives, sharing our opinions and giving advices. In a way she became my teacher, my psychologist, and most of all my best friend.
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