La Rotonde Thaon/ Les Vosges/France
La Rotonde
La Rotonde is situated next to to Thaon Les Vosges, a city in Vosges formerly a labor city. La Rotonde was created by Armand Lederlin, director of a big textile compagny (BTT— Blanchisserie et Teinturerie de Thaon—Laundry and Dyeing of Thaon) to gather all his employees. Lerderlin, was Protestant, also he built a Protestant temple in Thaon for his employees who shared the same religion as him. Be-fore the arrival of the BTT, there were in Thaon 400 inhabitants (in 1870) and in 1911 the year before the construction of La Ro-tonde, there were 6 117 inhabitants thanks to the jobs which have been offered by the BTT.
In La Rotonde, there are :
- A meeting room which can receive 150 persons.
- A dining room with 120 seats plus a kitchen
- A theater where there were formerly 1 100 places but it was re-newed and there is now "only" 864 places with 4 for handicapped persons
In this period, the directors of companies offered interesting socials con-ditions to their employees to compensate the low salaries (nurseries, houses, summer camps for children… . It was a little bit as the commu-nist system.
My sources :
I went to the library and to the city hall of Thaon Vosges.
I went La Rotonde to take a photo.
I discussed with my family, who gave me some information.
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