Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Mont St. Michel Normandy/France by Clémentine David


When I was on holiday, I visited the Saint Michel Mount with my grandmother, my aunt, my sister and my brother. This place is one of my favourite places that I keep the best memories. We visited this place for a day and we saw a lot of tourists and shops. We have also seen the abbey, which is very impressive but still wonderful. The Saint Michel Mount called in the base Mont-Tomb was a Druid place of worship. And than Bishop named Aubert built a sanctuary in 708 on the Mont-Tomb dedicated to St Michel. This place became a prison in the 18th century but now it is a World Heritage site owned by Unesco. This site is very friendly to visit but there should be a day to be able to observe everything and a little endurance for all stairs. The Saint Michel Mount is culturally interesting and has a long and fascinating history so this site isn’t boring and I like him!!!

Apart from they abbey and its 25 rooms, the Saint Michel Mount is interesting for its landscape and its countless services like restaurants, shops, museums and creperies. We can also visit the dungeons.

We visited with the Saint Michel Mount, Saint Malo and some cities in Normandy and in the North of Britain.

I think I will return here later with pleasure!!!!

 But if I come back it will be in winter because there are much less tourists in this season.



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