Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Museum of Fine Arts in Valenciennes by Louis Grenez


Musée des Beaux- Arts of Valenciennes

The Musée des Beaux- Arts of Valenciennes is a museum where there is a large collection of paintings and of sculptures and another domain like an archeological crypt. They are a lot of paintings of the Flemish school like Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516 he’s Dutch and he paint because all in is family painting) and Pierre Paul Rubens (1677-1740 he’s Belgian and much of those paint represent the moment of the Bible). We can look paintings of Antoine Watteau (a well known painter born in Valenciennes in theXVIIth century).

There are a lot of sculptures too in this museum of Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-1875 he’s French and he is born in Valenciennes). He realized the bust of Bruno Chérier, a Carpeaux’s friend.

I visited one time this museum and I enjoyed it.

This museum is located in the center of the city and I can see it from the windows of my home. The musée of Beaux- Arts of Valenciennes was built in the beginnings of the XXth   century and it opened in 1909. It’s now a modern museum because it has been renovated in 1995.

Many schools in Valenciennes come there to look the paintings and the sculptures. There are temporal exhibitions. Two years ago, there was an exhibition of the treasures of Egypt!



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