Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

My favourite English teacher by Maxime Olivier 3B


I have some good memories of my 5th grade’s English teacher. She was English and taught us English very well. Every day she was in a good mood and very patient with us. All the class listened and enjoyed her lessons. And what I like over all it is her accent. She has a typical English accent. In her lesson I was a little bit rowdy, I admit it. But it did not take a long time because I remembered that she was so patient with us and I loved her lessons so much that I quickly calmed down. With this teacher, English became a game for me. I was always happy when I had an English lesson and when I had English homework I did it with a great pleasure. But the most striking memory was when we make a tea before the Christmas holidays. Throughout the time she spoke with us in a very honest and very friendly manner. We forgot we were talking to a teacher so the conversation was like a discussion between friends. But one day we learned that her husband was changing jobs and therefore moved from Moscow. She left us in the middle of the third term. I keep such a good memory of this teacher that I decided to write about her more than two years later.


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