Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

My favourite place in the world by Nardeen Hassouba


Nardeen Hassouba


Marsa Matruh is my favorite summer resort in Egypt. I usually spend my summer holiday there in the Mediterrian Sea in Marsa Matruh. The place has a beautiful scenery and white sand like snow and azure blue water serene and transparent sea. When you sit in front of the sea you also see the flying fish.

This place has lots of historical sitis like Rommel’s cave it also has beautiful geological formations like ; Cleopatra’s rock and the Agiba Escarpment. It has also one of the most elegant and cozy hotels in Egypt.  

Actually I adore this place because when I sit in front of the beach, it’s calm and I can smell the adorable smell of the salty water and I can feel the wind. I like to sit on this bench and read a book or listen to music and to see the amazing sunrise (it’s adorable). I like to play with the soft white sand in Marsa Matruh. I feel great when I am there, the most special thing it’s when the place is calm you can read or take a nap.

The most amazing thing that my own house is in front of the sea, I can see the sea throw it. I like when is swim there is the beautiful flying fishes everywhere. When I go fishing I catch the most amazing fishes there. When it is windy and there are waves anyone can go surfing it is amazing. And firthermore  there are sharks only very  far of the beach ...


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