Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

My french teacher in Johannesburg by LOUIS VILLATA

I specially remember a teacher that I had when I was living in Johannesburg,South Africa. We shall call her Madame - she was my French teacher for my first year in secondary school,she was my class teacher(professeur principale) and I am not afraid to tell you that she didn't give me a very good impression about secondary school.
She wasn't very tall,about 1m65cm,brown hair and brown eyes.I didn't like the way she taught us the French language,but I have to admit that she was a good teacher in spite of the problems I had with the way she was teaching us.The main reason  why he touched me is that when we had 2 consecutive hours of lesson we were tempted to sleep because her voice was very montonous. Despite the desire of sleeping,I never fell a sleep during one of her lessons.Because of that effect she was attributed the nickname name:SOMNIL which is a sleeping pill.

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