Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

My primary school teacher by Clémentine David



I often think about a teacher who has deeply affected me in my childhood.  I was in CE1 in the French school of Moscow. Her name was Yuri Baichev, she was tall with black straight hair and black eyes. She was of Russian origin and when she spoke in French, she had a funny accent. All the class found her like a friendly and pleasant teacher but strangely not me.  But everything began to change around February, when my parents had to leave Moscow for a funeral. My grandfather was died, it was a shock for me. My brother and my sister were too small to undersand but I understand, and every night I had nightmares and during the day I didn’t speak to anyone.  Yuri understood what was happening and she often comforted me and gave me advice and it’s thanks to her that some time later i managed to get over it. This event was a blow to the family and everyone avoided talking about it so I could only talk with her. Then gradually my opinion on her began to change and I began to appreciate her. This teacher marked me a lot and I will never forget her.


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