My primary school teacher by Lucas Genevey 3B
I was six years old when my family moved to a little village near Marseille. I was new in the school and when I joined the class for the first time , a lady opened the door and smiled at me. This lady was my teacher. She was 40 but she looked older. She had black eyes and she was of medium height. She was always in a good mood but when we did something wrong, she got very angry and asked us to leave the classroom.
One day I was being very talkative at the back of the class and she immediately took me by the hand and pushed me out of the class.
She got in touch with my parents and asked to meet them.Following their meeting they became good friends very quickly. I was able to chat with my teacher every Saturday because my parents invited her. I discovered that she was a good person and she explained to me that she scolded me because she worried about me and about my behaviour.
From this moment she became my favourite teacher.
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