Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

New York ! New York ! by Raphaëlle Goffart



I chose New York because this trip impressed me a lot. I went there two years ago, during the October holidays. New York is a city very impressive with all these skyscrapers. At the night, the city is completely illuminated and we were in the Christmas period, and the city was festive! There were very big and tall Christmas trees every where. Il was very cold in the streets. It was already dark  when  I went up on the Rockfeller Center ( it’s a building  in front of the most famous tower in New York: the Empire States Building). We reached the top by elevators in which a diaporama was shown to make people wait (it takes ten minutes of ascent), the view was amazing! I saw all of New York. It was a magical moment!




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