Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Notre Dame de Nice by N Dementiev

The basilica of Notre Dames in Nice


During my winter holidays I went in the south of France in Nice. The whole city was beautiful; there was a sea, mountains, the places and parks were wonderful, so I had some difficulty to choose the most beautiful one.

When I was on the central street of Nice, I was really surprised by it dimensions that we could nearly compare to the Oxford Street in London. And on this street named Jean-Medecin I saw a really beautiful and historic monument, the basilica of Notre Dame. Unfortunately I wasn’t inside but the facade of this church was very interesting because it was completely symmetric.

It was designed and constructed by Louis Lenormand between 1840 and 1853. The basilica is built in the Gothic style. Its height is 65 meters and its length is 80 meters. Its constructions was motivated by a desire to frenchify the city after the County of Nice because at that time Gothic buildings were supposed to be characteristically French. Its most prominent features are the two square towers and the large rose window in the middle. It is the largest church in Nice where are organized plenty of musical events because of its excellent acoustics. This basilica was restored 3 times.

Interesting facts:

  • There’s 6 million persons who visit this church per year.
  • The direction of the facade is west.

Before this basilica was a school of children's choir.



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