Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

picture composition

Have a go at this fun picture composition. If you give it a try I will correct anwork handed in.




Picture description

Please follow the link to access the picture on the internet.

First answer the following questions. This will help you build phrases

  • What can you see in this picture ?
  • What would you hear if you were in this picture?
  • What would you smell if you were in this picture?
  • What could the people in this picture be feeling with their hands? with their feet?
  • What emotions do you feel as you view this picture?


  • Write a short description for the picture using as many of the phrases generated to make their description clear and concise, containing the specific details to identify this picture.
  • Write a short paragraph about the painter Claude Monet.




You may use the above link to access the picture.

Enjoy your learning!


Miss Kristina

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