Square Louvois Paris by Sébastien Giraud
My favorite place is the square Louvois in Paris. I lived 8 years AND it is 5 minutes from my old college and 2 minutes from my old school. There's a fountain surrounded by grass and flower beds with a circular sandpi. There are also trees and 9 to make it a real square plants and bushes. When I was younger I played soccer and chatted with my friends.the fountain was built in the 17 years it has 3 floors and each floor there is heads of monsters with holes in them to let the water and down there are boys on dolphins. Square Louvois is opposite of the national library. In summer people come and sit on it and we herbre play football on the sand so as not to annoy people.At the end of the square Louvois that it was the school party. and lots of fun.

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