Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Sunshine seeker in Dominican Republic by Tom Gavet




This is where I was during my holidays. It’s in Dominican Republic, in Punta-Cana. This Republic is in the middle of America near Cuba, Jamaica, México and Colombia.   The Dominican Republic is very hot and there are a lot of roams. The Dominican Republic is an island, the same island as Haiti. On the island, we speak Espanola. 

 I was very happy because it’s beautiful and on the beach,

There are: palm trees, coconut palm, surfers in the sea and the sand is very fine. It is a delight for eyes. There isn’t any cloud so, the sky is blue. Trees are tilted because of the wind. We can see some peoples who are going to surf on the roams.

I like this place because it changes many Moscow. It’s hot, beautiful, there is the sea and we can play beach volley and many others sports. During the holidays, I played volleyball, tennis table and football on this beach and there is a lot of excursions you can does. In this country, we can found a lot of peoples who speak French because the Québec is very near and in the Québec, we speak French but with an accent; so, I speak with them in French and when I don’t understand, in English. But I don’t like it because in plane from Moscow, we have twelve hours to Punta-Cana and seats are not comfortable.




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