Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

The Champs Elysées by Laura Jouandin


The «Avenue des Champs


Elysées» is a prestigious


avenue in Paris, with its Cafés,


cinemas and lots of luxury


shops. This Avenue is one of


the most famous streets and is


known as the most beautiful


avenue in the world.


I would like to talk about


this avenue because it is


beautiful and I love to walk


there. It is located in the 8






arrondissement of Paris. It


is 1,91 km long, going from


the «Place de la Concorde»


to the «Place Charles de


Gaule», where it ends by


the «Arc de Triomphe» built


by the Emperor Napoleon


the 1


s t

to honor his

victories. In the «Avenue


des Champs Elysées» you


can see lots of wonderful


b u i l d i n g s (wh i c h a r e


«Haussmanian»), trees and


a lot of people (from every


country in the world). Lot


of luxury shops grab the


opportunity to settle down


and attract the millions


p e o p l e v i s i t i n g t h i s


legendary place.


T h i s a v e n u e i s v e r y


attractive : there are hotels


to sleep, restaurants and


cafés to eat or drink,


cinemas to watch films in


french or in original version


(mos t of the t ime i n


english), and famous shops


to buy clothes, shoes or


famous bags.


For 2011 my family and me


went to the «avenue des


Champs E l y s é e s » t o


celebrate the new year. We


enjoyed fireworks which


were wonderful. Also every


year on Bastille day, the


largest military parade in


Europe walk across the






The « Avenue des Champs Elysées »





















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