Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

The Golden Gate Bridge by Viktoria Holinier


The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful and certainly one of the most photographed bridges in the world.

The Golden Gate Bridge is an orange suspension bridge located at the entrance of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean.

It is  the most recognised symbols of San Francisco and is known all over the world.


Today it is the longest suspension bridge span in the world. More than 41 million cars cross the bridge every year!

The construction began on January 5th 1933.The project cost more than 35 million dollars. It was finished in April 1937.

The chief engineer in charge of the design and the construction of the bridge was Strauss.

During the construction only ten workers were killed, due to falling in the water or the top part of the bridge coming apart. The construction of the bridge was considered very safe for the time.

I have chosen this monument because it is one of my childhood memories. My family and myself were in San Francisco for a holiday when I was small - maybe 6 years old. My parents wanted to cross the Golden Bridge on foot, but they thought it was too far so we rented bikes. On that day for the first time in my life I rode a bike without the help of my parents. It was a magical moment!!




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