Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

The Kremlin Moscow Nastia Veksler

The Kremlin


The Moscow Kremlin, sometimes referred to as simply The Kremlin is a monument the is a historic fortified complex which is located overlooking the Moskva River, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Red Square, the Alexander Garden, the “Мавзолей” and the “ГУМ”.The Kremlin included four palace . The complex serves as the official residence of the President of theRussian Federation. Originally there were eighteen Kremlin towers, but their number increased to twenty in the 17th century. Cathedral Square is the heart of the Kremlin.All of the  The Kremlin included eight cathedrals, Along the wall has 20 towers :

Водовзводная, Боровицкая, Оружейная, Комендантская, Троицкая, Кутафья, Средняя Арсенальная, Угловая Арсенальная, Никольская, Сенатская, Спасская, Царская, Набатная, Константино-Еленинская, Беклемишевская, Петровская, Вторая Безымянная, Первая Безымянная, Тайницкая, Благовещенская


 3 towers that stand at the corners of the triangle, have a circularcross section, and the rest - a square. The tallest tower - Trinity, it has a height of 79.



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