Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

Happy learners are good learners! A blog for and by LFM pupils in Moscow.

What a change!! by Eléonore Desfassiaux


Most of the teachers I had during my first years of study were not passionate teachers but one of them was very different. Well I was in CE2 or WAS IT  CM1 ? I don’t remember. My teacher was a kind of old, devoid of interest person and his lessons were so boring. A few months after I began to study, my teacher had to stop working for the rest of the year because he was ill. The “super» teacher was the supply teacher.He was interesting, funny and his classes were fantastic. I really enjoyed this year because we did a lot of different things like rugby competitions, travels, visits of museums and French, History and Mathematics of course! But studying with him was like a game: a very funny and interesting game indeed!At the final of the year he was to become our permanant teacher but he decided some otherwise , he announced that he preferred to go and teach in a disabled children's school.

I don’t know anything about him now, but I know he is still a wonderful person.


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